I was weeding my flower bed the other day.
Thoughts wandering through my mind as usual.
My two youngest princesses wanted to help me.
I'd love to have them help, but the "good" plants were still so "young" that they didn't stand out so much from the "bad" plants (aka weeds).
So, I decided that they couldn't help me weed. They could, however help me water, and even plant new plants. They are more than welcome to help me nurture my gardens.
I wonder if maybe that's how Heavenly Father feels about us --His children-his "plants"---here on Earth, or in His "garden". Of course He wouldn't want "weeds" in His garden. But only He knows who those weeds are. We do not have the proper knowledge to decide which weeds to pull, or who to judge. But, I'm willing to bet that Heavenly Father would be all too happy to have us help nurture His garden. What do you think? I imagine that we are welcome to do all the uplifting and spiritual nurturing we want.
I love nurturing plants, I love watching them grow, watching them respond to the care that I give them. Like wise, I find it quite enjoyable to treat people with kindness, nurturing, their sweet spirits and watching them grow and learn to feel the Savior's and their Heavenly Father's love for them. Just like a plant can't grow without the Sun, people can't grow without the Son, our Savior.
When I find a weed in my garden, I pull up it's roots, remove it from nurturing soil, water, and sunlight, and it withers and dies. Imagine if I "weeded" out one of my Father's children. Imagine if I uprooted that precious spirit by judging her, taking away the light and "nutrition" of the gospel.
When I have a new plant, I place it in the soil, give it water, and point it to the light, where it can receive the nourishment it needs to survive, and grow to it's full potential. If it is a little wilted, rather than give up on it, I figure out what it needs and give it to it.
Here's to hoping that when I meet someone new, and even in my dealings with friends, family, and current acquaintances, I can remember that I do not have the perspective to pull any "weeds". The best thing I can do to help my Heavenly Father is to nurture each of his "plants" I come across.
One of my all time favorite conference talks was given by President Thomas S. Monson current Prophet of the LDS church. It was in the October General Conference of 2009. I can't pick just one snippet to share with you, so please take a moment to read it here . It is titled "What Have I Done for Someone Today"
President Monson shared a wonderful poem. A poem that has become my mantra:
I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind
~~Author Unknown
I have such a strong testimony of this concept! The gospel is a part of my life because of wonderful people along the way who have practiced it. I know my Savior loves me. I hope I can help those I meet along the way to realize the same for themselves.
Testing comments. :)
i'm glad you're testing the comments, I left one and it's not here...I really love it Heather!
Thanks, Jenn! I don't know what's up with the comments, they show up and go away it's weird......
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